Psychological Assessment Services at Meridian Psychology Practice
At Meridian, we offer comprehensive psychological assessment and testing to children (6+), teens and adults located in Rochester and Buffalo NY. Assessments are completed by Licensed Clinical Psychologists who specialize in assessment/testing. The assessment program is headed by Meg Dorfner, PsyD. We are one of few places offering ADHD and Autism testing for adults.
To schedule an assessment, please fill out our Contact Form
For a flyer summarizing our services, click here
*The below fees are approximate and subject to change based on extent of client needs

Meridian Psychological Assessment
Types of Testing Offered
General Diagnostic Testing ($1000)
General diagnostic clarification through a more thorough intake evaluation completed prior to starting treatment.
Review of records, if necessary (1-2 hours)
Clinical interview with client (1-2 hours)
Parent interview, if necessary (1-2 hours; required for individuals 17 and younger)
Semi-structured clinical interview (1-2 hours)
Interpretation and report writing (2 hours; client is not present)
Feedback session with detailed paper report (1 hour)
Comprehensive Evaluation ($5000-7000)
This is an all-encompassing assessment that covers different areas of functioning, including but not limited to: cognitive, executive, behavioral, and socio-emotional.
Review of records, if necessary (1-2 hours)
Clinical interview with client (1-2 hours)
Parent interview, if necessary (1-2 hours; required for individuals 17 and younger)
Collateral interviews (e.g., with teachers, other service providers, medical professionals, etc.), if necessary (1-2 hours)
Semi-structured clinical interview (1-2 hours)
Testing (4+ hours; depending on number of assessments needed)
Interpretation and report writing (6 hours; client is not present)
Feedback session with detailed paper report (1 hour)
Personality Testing ($2000)
Personality assessments focus on personality traits and focus on aspects of mood functioning, individual strengths and weaknesses, relational functioning, and how trauma may impact a person. During the intake appointment, we will discuss the areas of focus and determine which test(s) would best suit your needs.
Review of records, if necessary (1-2 hours)
Clinical interview with client (1-2 hours)
Parent interview, if necessary (1-2 hours; required for individuals 17 and younger)
Collateral interviews (e.g., with teachers, other service providers, medical professionals, etc.), if necessary (1-2 hours)
Semi-structured clinical interview (1-2 hours)
Testing (4+ hours, depending on number of assessments needed)
Interpretation and report writing (4 hours; client is not present)
Feedback session with detailed paper report (1 hour)
ADHD ($4000)
At Meridian, we do a comprehensive ADHD assessment that assesses areas of functioning commonly impacted by ADHD (e.g., cognitive, executive, academic, and behavioral functioning). This is to ensure that symptoms can be adequately understood in order to inform appropriate treatment recommendations.
Review of records, if necessary (1-2 hours)
Clinical interview with client (1-2 hours)
Parent interview, if necessary (1-2 hours; required for individuals 17 and younger)
Collateral interviews (e.g., with teachers, other service providers, medical professionals, etc.), if necessary (1-2 hours)
Semi-structured clinical interview (1-2 hours)
Testing (5+ hours, depending on number of assessments needed)
Interpretation and report writing (7 hours; client is not present)
Feedback session with detailed paper report (1 hour)
Autism Spectrum Disorder ($4000-5000)
At Meridian, we use a gold standard autism assessment, in addition to cognitive and adaptive assessments, to help clarify and understand the presenting symptoms. Due to the complexity of the presenting concern, additional testing may be necessary. We offer Autism testing for children, teens, and adults.
Review of records, if necessary (1-2 hours)
Clinical interview with client (1-2 hours)
Parent interview, if necessary (1-2 hours; required for individuals 17 and younger)
Collateral interviews (e.g., with teachers, other service providers, medical professionals, etc.), if necessary (1-2 hours)
Semi-structured clinical interview (1-2 hours)
Testing (6+ hours, depending on number of assessments needed)
Interpretation and report writing (7 hours; client is not present)
Feedback session with detailed paper report (1 hour)
What is psychological assessment?
Psychological assessment is a structured, evidence-based series of tests that individuals undergo to assess for mood and anxiety disorders, personality disorders, learning disabilities, and behavioral challenges. During the screening process, we will ask about your specific concerns and recommend a testing plan for you. After testing is complete, you will be provided with a comprehensive report detailing the results and providing recommendations for accommodations and additional supports.
When is an assessment a good idea?
Note: most assessment services are available for children, teens, and adults
You have been referred for psychological testing by a doctor, teacher, or other professional
You have concerns regarding learning disabilities or neurodivergence (e.g., ADHD and/or Autism) and are seeking accommodations
Maybe your child is struggling at school, either academically or behaviorally, and there have been mentions of testing for school-related accommodations.
Maybe you yourself have been struggling at work and have had difficulties focusing or completing tasks. Maybe this echoes some difficulties you had when you attended school but you were never tested or given accommodations. Psychological testing can help identify specific disabilities (e.g., learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, ADHD, Autism, etc.) and allow you or your child to receive proper accommodations. Psychological testing can allow schools and/or other professionals to be a partner in interventions and allow more collaboration in determining said accommodations.
You aren’t making the progress you thought you would in therapy and are questioning whether treatment is effective
Testing can provide diagnostic clarity that can help you identify underlying causes of symptoms. Testing can then provide a basis for developing a personalized treatment plan that has a higher chance of having the results you are hoping for.
You have questions regarding chronic interpersonal patterns that are dysfunctional or ineffective.
Testing can give you a greater understanding of the different aspects of your personality (e.g., information processing, mood, affect regulation, intrapersonal functioning, and interpersonal functioning). This can ultimately help you understand yourself better.
Why is psychological testing so expensive?
We recognize that assessments are expensive and share client frustration that comprehensive assessment is not often covered by insurance.
The evidence based and gold standard testing supplies we use are costly, ranging from $2,000-$4,995.
Testing involves many hours where the examiner is with and without the client: performing testing, reviewing records, speaking to collateral sources, scoring results and writing detailed reports to aid clients in next steps and advocating for needs/accommodations.
Do you offer payment plans?
Because we know how expensive testing is, we offer payment plans and are willing to work with you and your family to complete only the tests that are necessary. You can:
Pay one lump sum up front
Pay half of the payment at time of intake and half at completion of testing or break the sum into smaller increments
Payment in full is required to receive testing feedback, results, and assessment report
What should I expect for my first testing appointment?
The first day will be 2 hours to complete the intake interview(s), assess referral question(s), and collaboratively identify a battery of appropriate measures. This first appointment can be in-person or virtual, as needed. Be prepared to sign Releases of Information (ROIs) for providers and/or other professionals (e.g., teachers). We will then schedule a block of time for the in-person testing session.
Please bring any records of relevance. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Previous evaluations
Any documentation related to legal difficulties
List of medications (both present and past)
Mental health records
For children/adolescents - Academic records (e.g., IEP, behavioral reports, grades, etc.)
Don’t worry if you do not have copies of these records, you can sign a Release of Information and the examiner will reach out directly to the holder of said records.